Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A new toy!

Hi!! My name is Stormy! I'm about 4 months old. Well where should I start...hmm... well, I don't know what that cat Joey below me is talkin' about...don't be intimidated by him because he's a "mancat" because he's the biggest softie, and nicest cat i've seen around here!

Anyways, today I got a brand new toy as you can see in the picture of me above! I love to bat it around *BAM BAM BAM!* and watch it slide across the room! I also got moved up to a really big cage up front today. Although I am having fun with my new toy and kitty-mates, I would really love to have a home and someone to snuggle with!


Daisy said...

Hi Stormy! You are very cute. That toy looks FUN.

LZ said...

Hello Stormy! I'm very happy to meet you and your friends. What a great idea to have a blog!


The Crew said...

Hello everyone! Welcome to the cat blogosphere.

Lux said...

Hello, Stormy - you're so sweet! I hope you find a forever home soon!


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