Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Little Sadness...A Lot of Success!

This letter is being reproduced from an original and the humans' names have been changed for anonymity's sake.

September 17, 2008

To: The Cats and Kittens at Cats Exclusive,

Please accept this donation of $100 in memory of...my best friend (human) who passed away this year.

We were friends for almost 21 years. When I met him he didn't like cats - he said they didn't have personalities, like dogs did. Then one day, over 10 years ago, someone brought him an orphaned kitten to raise; as there was no one else to take the little fellow in. That was the beginning of the loving relationship between my friend and cats.

My friend named him Gandolf (from Lord of the Rings). Since then there were other cats. When my friend...passed away this summer, he had 2 cats. As his best friend, I tried to find a good, loving home for "Gandolf" and the other cat, "Little Girl." I could not take them in as I already had 6 cats and 2 dogs. But we kept them at our house till a suitable home could be found.

My friend's only surviving relative is a mean, wicked witch of a sister. When she arrived from out of town to clean out his house, she looked all over for the cats. She did not know we had taken them. She wanted to take them to animal control to have them put to sleep!! We told her that the cats must have run away.

Gandolf and Little Girl are now permanent members of our growing kitty family. Yes, there are 8 cats and 2 dogs (that's 40 paws and 10 tails!) I can't say they all get along, but they do the best they can. My 25 year old daughter will be moving into her own apartment soon and Gandolf and Little Girl will be going with her. The cats will be much more comfortable, just the 2 of them.

They miss my friend as much as I do. We're all trying to adjust without him in our lives.

This donation is in his memory. He was one of the greatest, kind hearted people I ever knew - especially when he learned that cats are loveable and have awesome personalities. If a kitten arrives without a name, please name it my friend's name. He would just love that.

Thank you,
Anonymous 1 and Anonymous 2

Proud parents of Peanut Butter, Weebles and Spot (all from Cats Exclusive), Griffy (found on Griffin Road, having been hit by a car), Schmoopies and Monkey (we're babysitting while our son is out of the country). And of course Bailey and Brandee (the dogs, who think it is their job to keep the cats in line.)

We will definitely name the next cat that we receive after this couple's kind-hearted friend.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Indignities (by Queeny)


I am Queeny, and I must say...this is the most undignified I have ever looked! And that "Magic Coat" shampoo is doing nothing wonderful for my hair. You might be thinking this looks like one of those massages about which you humans always obsess, but I am not so lucky. As you can see, that lady gave me an UNREQUESTED facelift. I mean, for goodness sake, where did my ear go? But! As my name suggests, I am a Queen, and I too shall bare these degrading situations with my crown held high.

However, I need a castle of my own...well, a castle of my and my sister's own. We have ruled as twins, and, even though we're both declawed, our 7 year reign has proven quite impressive. We rule by love, not fear. Maybe a kingdom of our own will ensure these indignities never happen again.

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