Monday, August 25, 2008

WANTED! Snowflake a.k.a. Sparkles

Cats Exclusive has become aware of a breach in our blog. Snowflake, a.k.a. "Sparkles" as her gang calls her, has hacked our system and take over being cute! With her parade of beauty and sweetness, she has caused an uproar among our cats who are still looking for furrever homes.
Breed: DSH
Color: White
Eyes: one blue, one yellow
Cuteness Level: Extremely High
Last Known Whereabouts: Pastina’s Pet Boutique in Jupiter, Fl
If you see this fugitive out and about, please congratulate her on her newfound stardom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have changed her name too: Pretty-Purr-fect!
She is our Love!
Thank you Cats Exclusive!


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